



Discovering and celebrating one’s sexual identity is something that everyone must deal with as they are growing up.發現和慶祝一個人的性身份是一件每個人都必須處理,因為他們的成長。In the past only one sexuality – heterosexuality – was viewed as appropriate but today there are multiple sexual orientations that are recognised by mainstream society and considered normal by cultural standards as well as international mental health organisations.在過去的只有一個性-異性戀-被看成是適當的,但今天有多個性傾向是認可的主流社會認為是正常的文化標準,以及國際組織的心理健康。Heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality and questioning are all sexual orientations that appear on the sexuality spectrum, and recognising and coping with whichever sexual identity you identify with is an important part of maturing into an adult.異性戀,同性戀,雙性戀和疑性戀都是性傾向,出現在性傾向的頻譜,並認識和應對性,兩者的身份,您認同是一個重要組成部分,成為一個成熟的成人。


據Statistically, heterosexuality is the most common sexual orientation in the world today.統計,異性戀是在今天的世界上最常見的性傾向。Heterosexuals are sexually attracted to others of the opposite sex (male heterosexuals are attracted to females and female heterosexuals are attracted to males), and their sexual activity is usually limited to interactions with the opposite sex.異性戀者是性吸引的其他異性(男異性戀者是吸引女性和異性戀女性吸引男性),以及他們的性活動通常是有限的互動與異性。


Homosexuality is perhaps the main minority sexuality in the world, though gathering statistics on this can be difficult.同性戀是可能是主要的性傾向的少數人在世界上,雖然收集這方面的統計資料可以很困難。Homosexuals are sexually attracted to others of their own sex (male homosexuals are attracted to other males, and female homosexuals, often called lesbians, are attracted to other females), and their sexual activity is usually limited to interactions with the same sex.同性戀者是性吸引別人他們自己的性別(男同性戀者是吸引其他男性和女性同性戀者,通常被稱為女同志,吸引其他女性),以及他們的性活動通常是有限的互動與相同性別的。Sometimes homosexuals are also called “gay” or “lesbian”.有時同性戀者也有所謂的“同性戀”或“女同性戀” 。


Bisexuality is a unique sexual orientation which many heterosexuals and homosexuals don’t even fully recognise.雙性戀是一個獨特的性傾向,許多異性戀者和同性戀者,甚至不完全明白。Bisexuals are sexually attracted to others of either sex (male bisexuals are attracted to other males as well as females, and female bisexuals are attracted to other females as well as males), and their sexual activity is not limited to either sex.雙性戀者是性吸引的其他任何性別(男雙性戀者吸引到其他的男性以及女性,女性雙性戀者吸引到其他女性以及男性),以及他們的性活動並不限於任何性別。The intensity of attraction to males or females is particular to each bisexual, though many bisexuals say that they are more often attracted to a particular sex but can occasionally become attracted to specific individuals as well.強度的吸引力,男性或女性,尤其是每個雙性戀者,儘管許多雙性戀者說他們更經常地吸引到某一性別的,但偶爾可以成為吸引到具體的個人,以及。


疑性戀Individuals who are questioning their sexuality are exploring their sexual attraction to others and trying to make sense of their feelings and patterns.疑性戀他們的性傾向都在探索自己的性吸引力,對他人和試圖使意識,他們的感受和行為模式。These individuals are reluctant to classify themselves as having any particular sexual identity, and instead embrace the fluidity of their attractions whenever and with whoever they occur.這些個人都不願意自己歸類為具有任何特別的性身份,而是擁抱他們的流動性景點,每當與誰發生。


Coping with Any Sexuality克服任何性認同

Recognising and coping with any sexuality can be embarrassing, frustrating and ultimately bring a lot of stress into a person’s life.認識和應對任何性傾向,是可尷尬又令人沮喪的,要成為一個人生命的一部分,最終帶來了很多的壓力。Many people simply assume that they are heterosexual because it is the predominant sexual orientation today, and it is only later that they realize that in fact they are homosexual, bisexual or questioning.很多人簡單地以為他們是異性戀,因為它是今日主流的性傾向,這是後來,他們認識到,其實他們是同性戀,雙性戀者或疑性戀。面對面面性傾向變得困難,但它可以更容易,如果:

  • You acknowledge each attraction when it happens, rather than trying to stifle any natural feelings.您承認每個性吸引發生時,而不是試圖扼殺任何天然的感情。
  • You look for a pattern in your attractions.您尋找一個模式,在您的性吸引。This will point you towards your natural sexuality.這一點,你對你自然的性行為。
  • You do not deny what you know.你不否認什麼,你知道。If you are homosexual or bisexual, don’t try to convince yourself that you are heterosexual.如果你是同性戀或雙性戀者,不要試圖說服自己,你是異性戀者。All that will result is a lot of headaches.所有這將導致是一個很大的煩惱。
  • 接受疑性戀。如果你沒有準備好將自己性傾向作一個具體的分類,那就不要去區分。
  • You seek support.您尋求支持。If you feel isolated due to your sexuality, look around your local, regional or even national or international community for organisations that will support your lifestyle.如果您覺得孤立的,由於您的性傾向,環顧四周,您的地方,區域或什至國家或國際社會的機構,會支持您的生活方式。
  • 認真地對待自己。Announcing your sexuality to anyone who will listen isn’t necessary.公佈您的性傾向的人會聽誰是沒有必要的。Show your maturity by respecting yourself and your relationships and giving them the attention and privacy that they deserve.顯示您的成熟度,尊重你和你的關係,並給他們的重視和隱私他們應得的。
  • 對自己與他人誠實。If you realise that you are a particular sexual identity, don’t keep it a secret from those you love.如果你知道你是一個特別性的身份,不保持一個秘密從那些你愛。Remember, given time almost anyone can adjust to almost anything.請記住,給予時間,幾乎任何人都可以適應幾乎任何事情。
